How To Soften Your Beard - Beard Swag

How To Soften Your Beard

Your beard is a unique and wonderful thing. It's a way to express your personal style and can give you a sense of identity. But if it feels rough, scratchy, or downright uncomfortable, then no matter how attractive it looks, the feeling will ruin the experience! Luckily there are steps you can take to soften your beard faster than normal.

Wash your beard.

It's important to keep your beard clean. Washing your beard regularly will help maintain a healthy environment for the hair follicles, preventing dandruff, itching, and dry skin which can lead to ingrown hairs.

Exfoliate your skin.

  • Get a gentle scrub or washcloth.

  • Apply it to your beard and rub gently in circular motions.

  • Rinse thoroughly with warm water, then pat dry with a towel if desired.

If you've been struggling with skin that feels too tight or is flaking off after each shave, this is likely due to dead skin cells building up on top of your hair follicles. Exfoliation removes these dead cells, allowing new ones to grow in their place—and it can also help prevent ingrown hairs by encouraging healthy circulation beneath the surface of your face!

Use a beard oil.

If you've never used beard oil before, then it's time to get started! Beard oil is a gentle moisturizer that will keep your skin hydrated and healthy. Most importantly, it's made from all-natural ingredients that won't clog pores or irritate sensitive skin.

The best part about using beard oil is how easy it is to incorporate into your daily routine: just apply a few drops of the product after showering and comb through with a wide-tooth comb or brush to distribute evenly throughout your facial hair. The result will be softer and healthier looking whiskers!

Comb your beard.

After you've washed and dried your beard, it should be soft and ready to go. If you want to soften your beard more quickly, there are a few things you can do. Using a wide-tooth comb with natural boar bristles is one of those things—and it's much easier than it sounds!

For best results, use the comb from the bottom up as if trying to work water out of wet hair. This will help separate individual hairs and make them less tangled as they dry. Also try combing in downward strokes rather than upward ones; this will give your beard a more even appearance when it dries out again later on.

Moisturize your skin.

Moisturizers are important for healthy skin, and can help you avoid dryness and flaking, irritation and blemishes—and even ingrown hairs! Moisturizing is especially important if you have an oily or combination type of skin because it will keep the oils in your beard from clogging pores (which can lead to acne).

Choosing a moisturizer that's right for you can be tricky—there are so many different types out there! But if you're having problems with breakouts from dryness or flaking on your face, definitely give one of these options a try:

Get a great night of sleep.

Sleep is important for your beard, too. It’s important for your whole body and mind, but it’s especially critical to the health of your hair follicles. Sleeping without interruption helps you wake up feeling refreshed and energized, which will make all aspects of life easier — including growing out your beard! To ensure that you are getting enough rest each night, follow these tips:

  • Keep electronics out of the bedroom (if possible). Not only does blue light from phones and computers hinder healthy circadian rhythms, but the buzzes and clicks can also be distracting when trying to fall asleep or stay asleep. Go old school with a book or magazine if need be!

  • Set aside time in advance to wind down before bedtime so that you're not rushing around at 11 p.m., trying to tidy up before crawling under the covers. A quick walk around the block could do wonders as well—just don't forget where you parked!

  • Stay away from caffeine after lunch; it will stay in your system longer than you might think and keep disrupting those precious REM cycles until much later into the evening (or morning).

Trim your beard regularly.

Trimming your beard regularly helps to keep it looking neat and tidy. It also prevents split ends, which can make your beard look unhealthy. Most men use a pair of scissors or a trimmer to trim their beards at home, but if you are new to this process, you may want to ask for help from someone who has experience cutting hair or someone who is good at using scissors.

Beard softening is more about taking care of the skin beneath the beard than anything else.

Beard softening is more about taking care of the skin beneath your beard than anything else. The skin beneath your beard can get dry and flaky, which will make it feel rough, itchy and uncomfortable.

There are several ways to soften your facial hair:

  • Moisturize the skin beneath your beard with a daily oil or moisturizer right after you shower or wash up. This will help keep that area hydrated throughout the day as well as prevent ingrown hairs from forming as a result of too much dryness.

  • Exfoliate! You might be surprised at how much smoother and softer your face feels after just one round of exfoliation—especially if you've been neglecting this step in favor of shaving every couple days (which is totally understandable!). It's important to use an exfoliating scrub that won't irritate sensitive skin--and don't forget toner afterwards for an even cleaner feeling!

So, if you’re looking to soften your beard, the first thing you need to do is take care of your skin. This means washing it daily and exfoliating at least once a week. You should also use beard oil regularly, as well as moisturizer for dry patches on your face and neck. Beyond that? Just make sure you get enough sleep (and don’t forget about sunscreen!) so that your beard can grow in soft and healthy from day one!

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